Tuesday, February 24, 2009


So most people know that I am not much for "doing it yourself" especially with crafts! But I have found some really cute DIY projects for the wedding! Needless to say they have been on the backburner because I am not crafty at all. So yesterday Meredith and I were supposed to have a fun night of make-up, but I forgot my make-up bag at home..so we ran wedding errands instead! We hit Hobby Lobby and Target! We found some fabulous items for the wedding. I saw this great "Thank you" sign idea on SMP! So we, I should say Mer, whipped up the most amazing sign! It turned out PERFECT! I can't wait for us to take pictures with it on the big day!

Tonight we had a SLP Job Fair at UH. I have to say it went well. I spoke with different companies and ISDs about potential jobs in August. I am so excited to actually being working and putting all of my education to use! Soon enough I will be married, have my Master's degree, working and moving out of this apartment and into either a house or townhouse! I am excited about the future and cannot wait to see what the Lord has in store for us.

I forgot to take pics this weekend, but Ben had a great game! His team won both games and swept St. Ed's..YAY!!!!! I am so proud of him and hope to make it to more games. My dad and I had a great time together..it was great to just hang out with him. We talked about everything from houses to the bar selection at the ceremony! All in all it was a great weekend. Just what I needed.


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