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So Jonathan and I are in the process of purchasing our first home. We are super excited, but are also starting to realize that we will need to make several trips to Home Depot, Target, Wal-Mart and everywhere in between before we are "up and running." So I have decided that for this post I am asking for some tips from people who already own homes or have in the past.."what would be the first 10 household items you would go out and buy???" I have been given some advice obviously from some friends and family members, but am sure I am missing an oh so important cannot live without item...
Here is what we have been told thus far:
So if any of you fellow bloggers have more items you recommend we would greatly appreciate it!!
Tonight I celebrated my birthday eve with dinner at RA Sushi with Danielle & Chris. It was nice to meet them for dinner and chat. Of course the guys talked about one thing and Danielle and I talked about house stuff. I am starting to dig this whole week long celebration of my birthday! Who knew that turning 25 was so celebratory! Looking forward to Friday night as well..dinner and drinks with some great friends! Should be a birthday to remember!
Hope everyone is staying dry this week! This weather is not working for me..guess I will be praying for rain once we own our house in October!
I know that I am leaving something out..haircut tomorrow and Open House on Thursday at my school. Excited, but nervous to meet the parents! Brother is coming in town this weekend and I can't wait to show him the house and start figuring out where to put things...