Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Weekend Round-Up

A lot has happened since the last time I have blogged, so I will be bulleting!!
  • I successfully made it through my first week of school with the kids. I was challenging and I am still not used to the early mornings.
  • We signed our contract on the house...we have also had the inspection. Looks like we are on our way to closing.
  • Went to a warehouse auction..no bueno! My mom and I drove around for an HOUR trying to find it and then didn't have much success!
  • We had dinner with one of our favorite couples and their precious son on Saturday. We grilled and drank wine like we usually do!
  • We scored a washer and dryer this weekend for FREE!!
  • I think I am FINALLY done setting up my room. I need to take some pictures for sure!
  • I made my schedule for the school year and it is filling up fast!
  • Went to Ross with Lisa and about DIED!! It was so gross...ugh! The items are CHEAP, but the stores are DIRTY!!!!
  • I am on the hunt for a couch! It is proving to be quite the task and I am not enjoying it! I don't want to spend a fortune, but would like a nice couch! We shall see with the sales this weekend...

I know that I am leaving something out..haircut tomorrow and Open House on Thursday at my school. Excited, but nervous to meet the parents! Brother is coming in town this weekend and I can't wait to show him the house and start figuring out where to put things...


  1. can't wait to see your office at work! i am sure it's adorable.

    oh, and i absolutely HATE Ross. sick.

  2. So excited about the house! Can't wait to see it all. xoxo
